» Entrance group for a private house. Types of entrance groups in a private house: photo Entrance group of a cottage with columns

Entrance group for a private house. Types of entrance groups in a private house: photo Entrance group of a cottage with columns

In various variations, the entrance lobby brick house may look different. Sometimes similar materials are used for this, that is, brick, in which case the exposition will be completely uniform and without accents. However, this solution cannot be called a full-fledged design technique. But the addition of a veranda or porch with elements from another group building materials can significantly refresh the look. Moreover, brickwork any color is ideally combined with any variation of raw materials. You just need to take into account the range and style of the exterior. Professional designers will help you with this. And it is best to choose products for decoration in a high-quality online store.

Second important nuance when arranging an entrance group of bricks, it lies in visual severity. Such structures look very massive and do not contribute to the ease of perception of the created architectural ensemble. Therefore, the installation of glass partitions, wooden floors and metal frames in this situation - the best solution... However, you can leave everything as it is, but replace the monochromatic brick with several varieties, or choose materials of different structures. By the way, decorative masonry in combination with the usual one also looks attractive.

Brick entrance group: features of operation

It is also worth noting that the entrance group of a brick house can be made of wood or stone. In the first case, you need to take care of the following:

  • Competent choice of color;
  • Suitable protective coatings against moisture and insects;
  • Safety in case of sudden fires.

Stone trim is more practical, but if you use natural raw materials, it will cost a pretty serious amount. But you will provide a flawless exterior appearance, and the house itself will be transformed right before our eyes. You can choose granite, marble, various sandstones, focusing on price categories and your own capabilities.

Installation of the group in brick houses

The design of the entrance group of a brick house is a task for professional builders and design studios. The former are engaged in the actual work on the site, the latter are developing a quality project. Only such a tendem will provide you with a good result and will allow you to correctly allocate funds for each of the aspects. Saving time and nerves are side, but very positive additions to the process.

The entrance lobby in the cottage is not only a protection against bad weather and an obstacle against uninvited guests, noise, dirt and dust, but also a stylish, beautiful element of the facade design country house.

The entrance group includes doors, windows and all decorative and functional elements adjacent to them:

  • porch;
  • small playground or terrace;
  • columns;
  • stairs;
  • visors;
  • other designs to complement the look.

The main requirements that the entrance group of a private house must meet can be distinguished in the following points:

  • the entrance group must be reliable during operation;
  • served for a long time (ideally for decades);
  • kept warm and protected from bad weather;
  • ensured the safety of housing and prevented the entry of thieves and animals;
  • was quite stylish and beautiful.

As a rule, the profile for the entrance group is made of aluminum, steel or other metal. There are groups of wood or plastic. A metal entrance group in a private house has the most important advantage - it is resistant to physical influences. It also does not rust, scratch or rub off.

Aluminum allows the manufacture of entrance groups of various designs and designs. And thanks to the glass, the structure acquires lightness and airiness.

Plastic entrance groups also have their own advantages. First of all, this is their cost, which is significantly lower than the entrance groups made of metal. Another plus in favor of plastic is the variety of colors, of which there are a lot now. They calmly tolerate temperature jumps, but they have a significant disadvantage - insufficiently high strength.

The most common version of such an entrance group is a metal-plastic door with a visor.

Wooden entrance groups are environmentally friendly, but they need constant processing and care, as they are highly exposed to ultraviolet rays and moisture.

Depending on the way the door is opened, entrance groups can be classified into two types:

Swing doors are standard doors with fittings or hinges. Such doors are familiar to everyone, they open outward or inward. Due to the need to open the sash, a lot of free space is occupied in the room.

Sliding entrance groups - the door frame is fixed on two guides or rails from the bottom and from the top. The leaves are automatically or manually moved apart in opposite directions. One-sided opening option can be an option.

Such a system saves space in the living space.

Depending on the design, the entrance to a private house and a cottage can be warm or cold. Most often, the choice is given in favor of the first option, since it allows you to keep warm in the room, and is more suitable for a residential building.

The design and manufacture of a cold entrance group involves the use of an aluminum profile without a thermostat. The warm entrance has a thermostat, triplex or double-glazed window, and in some cases even an increased number of doors.

Types of glass for entrance groups

For the construction of entrance groups in cottages, triplex, tempered glass, double-glazed windows and glass blocks are usually used.

In addition to the above glasses, they are also used:

  • Sunscreen,
  • Energy saving,
  • Acrylic and matt,
  • OPTIVITE with increased light transmission,
  • Stained glass.

Triplex is a very durable glass that perfectly protects against noise, cold, wind and other external influences. capable of withstanding a bullet from a firearm.

Tempered glass that has undergone heat treatment, if damaged, crumbles into small, non-hazardous granules. Glass blocks are a good alternative to brickwork.

But the most affordable in terms of price and installation speed is or. It provides good protection against heat, cold and noise.

Soft windows for the entrance to the cottage

Soft windows are made of polyvinyl chloride - a good quality film with a dense structure. Such windows cover openings of summer arbors and verandas. But they are perfect for the entrance group too.

This film is an alternative to PVC double-glazed windows, with which the customer often does not want to close the structure due to the fact that it will be a capital structure, and this film in the form of soft windows is rolled up and looks quite aesthetically pleasing.

Polyvinyl chloride film is used year-round. It is also comfortably used in the summer during rain, it protects well from the wind, and in winter, in November, you can close these openings with soft windows and not use it until spring. The gazebo will be protected, in addition to rain, also from snow in winter.

Design and decoration of the entrance group

To emphasize the individuality of the cottage and make the entrance group more attractive, you can use different kinds stained glass windows, sandblasting, art painting and other techniques.

Using stained-glass windows and lighting, you can achieve a wow effect that will 100% distinguish you from your neighbors, as well as play the role of lighting.

List of popular design techniques:

  • Tiffany stained glass is a stained glass window made of pieces of colored glass, interconnected with a copper wire. Using this technique, you can create real masterpieces for decorating your entrance group. Such a stained-glass window will emphasize the individuality and consistency of the owners of a private house.
  • Sandblasting is a technique in which glass is processed through a special stencil with a strong stream of air with grains of sand. Using this technique, you can create whole paintings made in different styles.
  • Fusing - an image from colored granules, which when high temperature are sintered into one whole. This technique is very expensive, but the result is worth the money.
  • Embossed glass is a quick and easy way to hide the interior space and decorate the entrance group at an affordable price.
  • Artistic painting allows you to decorate the entrance group with author's paintings. For this, paints with a special composition are used, which, after firing, becomes resistant to external influences. Can be varnished for extra protection and fixation.

When decorating the entrance to the country house you can combine several techniques and additionally use engraving, glass bevelling, forged lattices and other additional means.

Formation of the cost of the entrance group

As for the cost of the entrance groups, it is difficult to say the final cost that the company implementing the project will ask for.

By analogy with the glazing of balconies, winter gardens and other structures, the price of entrance groups consists of the cost of measuring work, the cost of materials, production work, the wages of installers and transportation costs.

Also, the cost of entrance groups is affected by the area of ​​glazing, double-glazed windows, fittings, warm or cold aluminum and many other factors. So, the entrance group made of plastic will cost less than the aluminum entrance group due to the cheaper material.

The estimated cost of an entrance group made of a cold aluminum profile starts from 12 thousand rubles per square meter... The cost of an entrance group made of a warm aluminum profile is from 15 thousand and more. Installation of the entrance group will cost about 1200 rubles per square meter.

The entrance to the dwelling - an apartment, a house, or even a palace - closes the door. However, in itself it is rather impersonal - there are exceptions. However, the design of the entrance group of a private house assumes greater variety, and also performs some practical functions.

What is the entrance group?

This term has appeared quite recently and in fact means the registration of the entrance. The design of the project can be very different, the materials are also used in a wide variety. But the main rule is strictly observed - the entrance lobby must fully correspond to the style of the building. Mismatching concepts will negate the attractiveness of both the porch and the whole house.

The group includes the following elements:

  • the front door itself is one of the most significant details. The design and appearance, and the device, and the material - plastic, metal, with glass inserts and so on;

  • the porch is the platform in front of the door. It can be very small, or it can form something like a terrace and be fenced with very original railings;
  • a canopy or canopy over the entire structure is the most decorative part of the group. In addition, it is the canopy that protects the door and the wall of the building from rain and snow;
  • glazed terrace, hall, veranda, which is arranged in front of the entrance to the main part of the building. This option is the most difficult to execute, the most interesting, but it is he who most often violates the style of the building.

By their nature and material - plastic, stone, iron, the entrance group of the building is classified very diversely. However, the most popular projects can be singled out.

Metal decoration

This design should be considered the most effective. Iron has a unique quality - malleability, which makes it possible to make compositions of unprecedented beauty and variety from a bar. The photo shows an option using forged parts.

Of course, forged entrance groups for a private house do not entirely consist of iron or cast iron. The porch, as a rule, is constructed of concrete, less often of brick. The canopy can be different: light graceful forms of polycarbonate are perfectly combined with wrought iron decorations, but this option is not suitable for all buildings. A roof made of wood or metal tiles is quite acceptable.

Forged railings are a real decoration of the porch. Fences are made from regular bar and then decorated with cast or forged parts. You cannot do this kind of elements with your own hands. The same fragments are used for the design of the canopy, if it is installed on a metal frame, and even support posts, if they are made of iron.

Plastic entrance to a private house

Plastic is a light and obedient material during the initial processing, moreover, it is extremely diverse. Such entry options include both a plastic door - as a rule, with a glass insert, and all forms of glazing.

  • The fact is that any porch design, where it is supposed to use light-transmitting materials, is actually realized from transparent and durable plastic. Glass with all its advantages - the material is too fragile. As a result, when glazing even the smallest elevation, polycarbonate is used - monolithic or cellular.

A plastic structure is usually built on a metal frame, so its construction takes a minimum of time. However, for the construction of posts or part of the walls, both stone and brick can well be used. In this case, the entrance looks quite classic.

You can also build canopies made of half carbonate with your own hands, but it is better to provide the installation of a metal-plastic door to professionals.

Stone construction

The most traditional building is usually included in the project. In fact, a concrete threshold with a fence can always be installed later.

A stone entrance group is implemented most often if it is necessary to equip a staircase. Often, materials are combined: the podium is made of concrete and revetted, and the supporting pillars or even the walls are made of brick or stone. Moreover, the facing material can be both ordinary sandstone and expensive marble and basalt.

Nothing prevents you from combining stone and metal elements, or brick and glass, or rather, a transparent plastic material.

Wooden veranda

For a country house, this option seems to be the most successful. And wood, being a very simple material to process, is most suitable for DIY construction. In fact, you have to pay attention to the style of construction.

If the building is made of timber, then, of course, a wooden entrance group will be more than appropriate. But if private house built of stone or brick, the concept is worth considering. So, for a building faced with palace bricks, with a complex roof configuration, this option is categorically not suitable. But in buildings of the Canadian style or in the style of a Russian estate, wood is used much more readily, but it is combined with another material - stone or metal. The photo shows an example of such a solution.

If the facade is the face of the building, then the entrance to the house is the owner's business card. Special attention should be paid to the arrangement of this part of the house, so today we will give ten useful tips, which will help to make the use of the front door as convenient as possible and provide a unique appearance.

As a rule, when creating a project for building a house, the arrangement of the entrance is carried out by standard solutions, and the possibility of further development is not provided for in the future. For our recommendations to be useful, they must be taken into account, starting with the laying of the foundation and at each subsequent stage of construction.

Arrange your porch and stairs correctly

V recent times it is extremely popular to install a house on a high plinth. The door turns out to be raised above the adjacent territory, and for the convenience of entering, a small podium is arranged in front of it, the inconvenience of which becomes obvious only over time. Remember that the area in front of the door must be large enough so that the door can freely open wide within it. At the same time, there should be space on the side of the castle, which is enough for two to miss each other or put a load.

The ascent to the platform at the door should be arranged taking into account individual characteristics and preferences for ergonomics. Throughout your life, you periodically use stairs, pay attention to the most convenient one. Measure the height and width of the steps, note the protrusion above the risers. Perhaps you are more comfortable with steps of different widths, or you want to make them radially run-in.

Install the weather protection

You must open the door in a comfortable environment, which is impossible if the entrance lobby is not protected from precipitation. In some house projects, the door is located in a recess or under the eaves of the roof - this is one of the best solutions.

If the entrance group is attached to the flat part of the facade, be sure to install at least a simple awning or even an ordinary polycarbonate canopy on a steel frame. Please note that the visor does not have to repeat the shape of the porch, but still it perfect option: the installation of columns will provide additional support and make the composition of the entrance group visually complete.

Place the window next to the door

Very good if close to front door one or a pair of windows will be located. This makes a certain sense: for example, narrow vertical loopholes are much more convenient to use than a door peephole.

Plus, the windows visually expand the entrance group and make it look more appropriate on large facades. Well, we must not forget that thanks to even small window the hallway will become much brighter and more comfortable.

Light up the entrance to the house

You don't want to look for the right key and open the door in complete darkness, do you? A couple of inexpensive designer lanterns installed on the sides of the door will provide ample light and make your home look spicier at night. Of course, in order to save money, you can install a motion sensor, but usually the illumination of the entrance group is combined with facade decorative lighting, installing lamps also on the stairs and the path leading to the entrance.

The presence of a lighted area in front of the house significantly increases safety. Cameras capture the picture better, moreover, the light that comes on from the motion sensor will draw attention to the uninvited guest.

Don't forget the railings and railing

Fog or slanting rain can form a slippery crust on your porch. To protect yourself, it is enough to equip the staircase with a railing, and the platform itself in front of the door with fences. There are a lot of options for the execution of these elements: forged gratings, transom railings made of stainless steel, wooden, carved, stacked of brick or natural stone.

If the porch is small and does not have columns, consider how to make at least part of the railing removable. This will make it easier to bring bulky furniture into the house or household appliances... If the entrance group is located in inner corner facade, it makes sense to make the side wall solid up to the visor - vortex flows will not form at the door.

Organize a glazed vestibule

Such a solution is reasonable for the entrance group of a large house or if a sufficiently long staircase leads to the door. The ascent fence will make the steps safer, the door will be protected from freezing, and the vestibule room can be used for household purposes.

It is not necessary to enclose the entrance group with a capital structure. Flexible windows and removable frames are suitable for these purposes. Temporary glazing is optimal for vestibules on the sunny side of the house, where unbearable heat is generated in summer from the greenhouse effect.

Stick to unity of style

There are a lot of design proposals for the implementation of each of the tips, the range of materials in the modern construction market is incredibly wide. But you do not need to use this variety to turn the entrance group into a motley hodgepodge, it is better to show confidence.

WITH brick walls perfectly matches metal and wood, with decorative plaster- glass and plastic, for modern curtain walls with a glossy finish - stainless steel. Use the same materials that were used in the construction of the house: using their leftovers, you will spend less money on the arrangement.

Don't neglect landscaping

If there is vegetation on the site in front of the house, do not be too lazy to decorate the entrance to the house with it. In the simplest case, these can be flowerpots with flowers, placed on the railing of fences, under them, or suspended under a canopy. Even a few plants will make an elegant accent, and a full-fledged flower garden will bring a lot of emotions during the flowering period.

Here's what, and it's impossible to overdo it with landscaping: the entrance groups are surrounded by flower beds, including cascading ones, ivy is allowed along the walls of the porch, decorative lawns are planted. What can I say, man is an integral part of nature and always strives for unity with it.

Pay attention to the surface and track

Starting from the first step of the porch, the entrance lobby adjoins the courtyard area. Neat pairing should be done here, both for the sake of general style and for reasons of convenience. The path in front of the porch should be wide enough and slightly rise above the surrounding area. So it will remain clean, which means there will be no dirt on the site. Do not forget to install a shoe shine at the lift.

The porch cover should be combined with the material of the facade finish and the yard cover. Optimal options - paving slabs and tumbling porcelain stoneware, in exotic cases you can use crumb rubber. If the choice fell in the direction of polished coatings, it is imperative to install anti-slip lining on the steps.

Diversify architecture and exterior

When the project is finalized, take the time to detail. It is the presence of forged elements, stone flowerpots, the covering of flower beds with stone chips or the addition of the awning with stained glass elements that bring that unique charm that we feel when meeting the best design solutions for entrance groups.

The exterior of the porch is very easy to match with the exterior. Frame the entrance to the house with pilasters or niches, repeat the protrusions of the columns, perhaps even stucco molding made of expanded polystyrene covered with paint in the color of the facade would be appropriate. To prevent the glazing from looking like an aquarium, supplement it with films or cord curtains. Maybe the stairs look too boring? Well, decorate its ends or make the edging of the steps. Be creative, but wisely and mindful of the importance of stylistic cohesion.