» Presentation on table setting. Technology presentation on table setting

Presentation on table setting. Technology presentation on table setting

Serving (fr. Servir - to serve) is the preparation of the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner, festive feast, banquet - buffet, cocktail banquet, tea ceremony. Table setting includes arranging in a certain order all the items necessary for organizing a meal (meal): tablecloths, dishes, cutlery, glass, napkins, etc. express your attention and kindness.

Recommended table setting sequence: 1. Tablecloth 2. Plates 3. Cutlery 4. Glassware 5. Napkins 6. Spices 7. Vases with flowers 8. Cold snacks, etc. Observing such a strict sequence, you will quickly and correctly arrange numerous table setting items, without missing the slightest detail. Remember to polish all cutlery and glass to a shine with a clean dry towel or napkin before serving the table. Observing such a strict sequence, you will quickly and correctly arrange numerous table setting items, without missing the slightest detail. Remember to polish all cutlery and glass to a shine with a clean dry towel or napkin before serving the table.

Tablecloth. A fresh, flawlessly ironed (starched) tablecloth for table setting is taken with both hands across the width, shaken sharply above the table surface, to form an air gap between the table and the tablecloth, which allows you to easily move the tablecloth in the desired direction, attract it towards you. Position it so that the transverse and longitudinal folds lie strictly in the center of the table. The ends of the tablecloth should hang evenly on all sides, about 1 cm.

Devices. The number of cutlery knives, forks and spoons used when setting the table depends on the offered breakfast, lunch and dinner menus. To the right of the snack plates, the knives are laid out in the following order: the table knife is closer to the plate, to the right next to it is the fish knife and the last is the snack knife. All knives should be facing the plate.

The dessert device, depending on the composition of the dessert, can be used not completely, but partially. For example, if you intend to serve one sweet dish for dessert, say compote or jelly, then you will only need dessert spoons for serving. If you intend to serve also fruits (apples, pears, peaches) or any confectionery (for example, Napoleon cake), then, in addition to spoons, you will also need dessert knives and forks. If the dessert consists only of fruits or watermelon or melon, then instead of dessert utensils they put only a dessert knife and fork.

Class: 7

The purpose of the lesson: to teach schoolchildren to set the table beautifully and correctly for dinner.



  • to acquaint schoolchildren with the basic rules of table setting for dinner;
  • show various options for table decoration and decoration.


  • to develop the creative activity of schoolchildren.
  • develop communication skills, the ability to express your point of view and argue your position;


  • create conditions for fostering a sense of beauty.

Training and metodology complex: multimedia installation, photo of table setting, cards with pictures, a set of dishes and cutlery, tablecloth, napkins, table decoration elements.

Lesson type:

  • combined lesson


1. Organizational start of the lesson: communication of the topic of the lesson, setting the task for the students.

2. Introductory speech of the teacher:

The hostess, setting the table, performs a miracle, since any feast is a small holiday, even if it is a simple dinner. Home economics books say table setting is an art. Connoisseurs of ancient traditions add: magic! The rules of serving and behavior at the table have been developed over the centuries, and their main purpose is not to complicate the process of eating with various formalities, but to make eating and communicating at the table beautiful, comfortable, pleasant. A beautifully laid table always looks better and more attractive than one that is full of food, but does not create a feeling of celebration. Table setting is a creative business, but here, too, there are general canons that should be taken into account.

3. Enhancing the cognitive activity of students.

Teacher: Today we will try to determine the basic rules and principles of table setting for dinner. Here is a set of dishes and cutlery, a tablecloth. Let's try to set the table for one person. How do we arrange the plates and cutlery?

(One of the students sets the table for one person, at the same time comments on his actions, explains how and why he puts plates, wine glasses, puts cutlery).

Teacher: Let's see what happened. Your comments and suggestions?

Please comment.

(The guys express their point of view on how the table is set, make comments, correct, help each other).

Teacher: Now let's try to determine, using our knowledge and life experience, the basic principles and rules for setting the table for dinner.

(Children should, with the help of the teacher, determine the basic rules):

Slide 2 [1] General rules and the order of serving

Table setting assumes a reasonable, convenient, neat and symmetrical arrangement of all items.

Serving begins with the tablecloth: it must be clean and well ironed.

A set of dishes must be the same in shape, pattern, color.

Dishes on the table are placed in a strictly defined sequence, each serving item must have its own place.

A necessary finishing touch to serving is a linen napkin. It should be personalized and put on a snack plate.

Placing flowers, arranging spice kits

4. Anchoring

Teacher: Now attention to the screen. Now I suggest you watch the slides and consolidate your knowledge of the basic rules and principles of table setting for dinner, define something new for yourself, learn how to decorate the table beautifully.

Slide 3-4 Serving festive table for one person

We start with the main plate, that is, the substitution plate. This is followed by a snack plate. Left, in the distance 5-7 cm from the main one, we place a pie plate (for bread, buns, toasts, croutons and other bakery products intended for each party to the feast).

Now the cutlery is on the right side: a table knife (for meat, poultry, game) is placed with a blade on the plate so that its edge covers the sharpened edge by a couple of millimeters. Next in a 2mm-tablespoon. Cutlery handles and plates should be 2cm from the edge of the table.

Cutlery on the left, starting from the edge of the plate: table fork. Above - a dessert knife, handle to the right. Both spoons and forks are placed with the convex side down.

There should be no more than three instruments on each side. (In the dining version, the tablespoon and the table knife are counted as a single unit.) The substitute plate is removed before serving the second course, which is served on a warmed plate. But when serving dessert, we will need a substitution plate again. Depending on the changes in the dishes, the plates change, but the placeholder always remains in place.

At a dinner party, the cutlery is laid out so that they can be used, taking one by one "from the outside to oneself", and glasses - from right to left (in accordance with the sequence of serving dishes).

5. Checking homework

Teacher: As mentioned above, "A necessary touch to the table setting is a napkin."

Students: Give historical background about napkins using multimedia equipment.

In case of force majeure, the teacher himself takes the floor:

A little about napkins

And to this day, significant differences persist in the manner of eating and drinking, table behavior and the use of napkins between representatives of different cultures.

About 300 years ago, along with the tablecloth, table napkins came into use. But it was only in the 18th century that napkins took their rightful place in table setting - for the first time in France. True, they often played a purely decorative role - they were very large and artistically designed. Whereas today napkins are necessarily used for their intended purpose.

The impulse of increased attention to table setting was the solution in 1707 by Johannes Bötger of the secret of porcelain production. And in 1710 the first porcelain manufactory was built in the city of Meissen. Now is the great time for porcelain sets consisting of many items with the same decor. At the same time, the exquisitely set table was complemented by excellent table silver, both for serving and for purely decorative purposes. It was at this time that graceful compositions from napkins appeared for decorating the table. At the court of the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I (1830-1916) they used, for example, napkins made of expensive patterned damask, decorated with woven imperial coats of arms.

These napkins were folded in accordance with court traditions. At large state receptions in Austria today you can find napkins folded in accordance with the court etiquette of that time.

How grandma married grandpa

Our grandparents' generation had excellent, patterned and monogrammed linen napkins, sometimes quite large. These napkins were part of the dowry, and were treated with amazing care, so that sometimes the napkins "outlived" their owners. Today, linen napkins are used less often, since it takes a lot of work to wash them, properly starch and even iron them. Whoever had enough space in the closets, the Goth did not fold the napkins in four, but kept them straightened out so that unnecessary folds did not form.

Napkins in our century.

In our century, two world wars and their consequences have led to the fact that most people were concerned only with the problem of survival. Accordingly, interest in table setting, and even more so in napkin decor, has noticeably diminished. And only in the times of the "economic miracle", when the main consequences of the war were overcome, interest aroused in the design of both everyday and festive tables.

Slide 5-6 Napkin accessories

Renaissance napkins

Let's remember the history of using napkins. In the beginning, napkins most often served only as decoration. Today, compositions from napkins in combination with vases, candlesticks or flower stands are again relevant. Table decoration with napkins provides endless possibilities, especially when combined with other serving items. Anyone who prefers something unusual dares to fold from napkins volumetric figures such as fans or columns, which make an impression, even if they are standing somewhere in the distance, for example, on a sideboard.

In 1981, I published the first book on napkins for the German-speaking region, because the change in table setting could not be overlooked. Once again, more attention is paid not only to serving items, but also to table decor, which required non-standard solutions in the choice of color and shape. And, of course, you can't do without skillfully laid out napkins.

The art of napkin folding is experiencing a renaissance today. A small "lip scarf" is regarded not only as a utilitarian thing, but again becomes an important part of table decoration.

Slide 7-10

Practical work

Folding napkins in different ways. (Students fold napkins according to the diagrams on the projector screen)

Table setting for dinner. (Students are divided into groups of 4-5 people and, using table decor elements, pictures of dishes, a tablecloth, dishes, cutlery, folded napkins, set the table).

Slide 11-12

Final part

  • self-presentation of students.
  • cleaning jobs


O. A. Kozhina Technology. Service labor. 6 cl., Textbook for educational institutions. M.: Bustard, 2008

Horst Hanish “The Art of Serving: Napkins”, Niola-Press, 2009

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Slide captions:

Table setting Compiled by: technology teacher Borozdina E. N. librarian Vashtaeva N. F. GBOU school № 339 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg 2015

Vocabulary Table setting - preparing and decorating the table for eating. Menu - a list of dishes, drinks included in breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Table setting items. Devices. spoons knives forks

Breakfast Breakfast should consist of a hot dish (porridge, omelet, scrambled eggs), a hot drink (tea, coffee, cocoa, milk), sandwiches.

Table setting for breakfast Cover the table with a colored tablecloth, put linen or paper napkins. Put common items on the table: bread pan, butter dish, salt shaker, sugar bowl. Put a snack plate for each person. Obliquely to the right - a teacup with a saucer, a teaspoon is placed on a saucer. Fork to the left of the plate, prongs up. Knife and spoon to the right of the plate. Obliquely on the left - a plate for baking, bread, butter with a separate knife.

Answer the questions What meals should be included in breakfast? What utensils are used for setting the table for breakfast? What cutlery should be present when setting the table for breakfast? How are the items of the appliance laid out?

Lunch The most complete and varied lunch is a four-course lunch: appetizers, first and second courses, and dessert.

Table setting for dinner For each dinner they put a large shallow plate with a snack on it. Cutlery in the following sequence: to the right of the plate a table knife, then a tablespoon, followed by a snack knife; to the left of the plate - a table fork, to the left of it - a snack fork.

If fish is included in the lunch menu, then a fish device is added: to the right of the plate, between a table knife and a tablespoon, put a fish knife; to the left of the plate, between the dining room and the snack fork, put a fish fork. Dessert cutlery is placed at the dinner plate.

In order not to create piles of dishes on the table, follow the sequence in changing dishes. The appetizers are put in first. For each dinner, they put a large shallow plate, on which - a snack bar. On the left is a pie plate with a butter knife.

When the need for snacks has passed, they are removed from the table along with the snack plates and cutlery. Then they move on to the soup. Refueling soups are served in deep bowls, which are placed on large shallow bowls.

If clear broth is on the lunch menu, it is served in broth bowls.

After the soup, they move on to the second courses. To serve the second courses, use small table plates for the second hot dishes.

Dessert Dessert is served after the dinnerware has been removed and the table is tidy. When serving dessert, a shallow or deep dessert plate is placed on a large table plate for each dinner. If dessert is served in a bowl, then it can be placed on a dessert plate. Only dessert (knife, fork and spoon) remained on the table. Glasses for juice or dessert wine can stand.

Table setting when serving tea, coffee Table setting when serving tea: 1) milkman, 2) tea cup with a teaspoon on a saucer, 3) dessert or pie plate. Table setting when serving coffee: 1) a milk jug, 2) a coffee pot, 3) a dessert or pie plate, 4) a coffee cup with a coffee spoon on a saucer, 5) a dessert spoon or fork.

Answer the questions Where is the fish set? Where and how is the dessert set? In what order is it laid out full set appliances? How is the tea-serving table served? coffee?

Dinner For dinner, it is advisable to include cottage cheese, cereal, dairy and vegetable dishes.

Dishes and appliances are selected depending on the dishes included in the dinner menu. The picture shows the table setting for dinner if cheesecakes and tea are served.

Answer the questions What dishes should be included in the dinner menu? How does the table setting change depending on the menu? What elements of the device are selected for table setting, if cheese cakes and tea are served?

Serving festive dining table.

Information resources Abaturov, P. V. Cookery [text]: / P. V. Abaturov and others - M.: Gostorgizdat, 1955yu - 960s., Ill. Barsukova, EF Russian cuisine [text] - L .: Lenizdat, 1989. - 174p., Ill. ISBN 5-2890-00354-1 Ermakova, V. I. Basics of cooking [text]: A textbook for students. - M .: Education, 1993 .-- 192 p., Ill. ISBN 5-09-003966-6 Ivashkevich, N. P. The art of the tea table [text] / N. P. Ivashkevich, L. N. Zasurina. - L .: Lenizdat, 1990 .-- 109 p., Ill. ISBN 5-289-00743-1 Illustrations [electronic resource]: choice vnutri-doma.ru Illustrations [electronic resource]: gotovim - vkusno.at.ua

Slide 1

Table setting for dinner Performed by: 7A grade students Yulia Andreeva, Inna Koshkina

Slide 2

Problem: Guests will come to us and Mom asked to help her set the table for dinner. Objective: 1. To develop a lunch menu. 2. Make a lunch with dishes that you learned to cook in cooking class, or similar. 3. Make a table for dinner. 4. Fold the napkins nicely. 5. Decorate the table with flowers.

Slide 3

Throughout their history, people have tried to turn the everyday process of eating into an aesthetic pleasure and, accordingly, tried to furnish it properly. A deliciously prepared dish and a beautifully decorated table create an appetite for the better digestibility of food.

Slide 4

In many cultures, table decoration is a whole philosophy, with its own traditions and rituals. But today the mutual influence of different cultures leads to a mixture of styles and allows for a lot of improvisation. Therefore, the choice of serving remains with the hostess of the house and assumes many options: from solemn severity to democratic multi-colored serving or the use of specific national attributes.

Slide 5

Table setting is not just about preparing it for breakfast, lunch, dinner or tea. This is a kind of art that depends more on the taste of the person setting the table, and not on his financial resources. You should try to set the table every day, and not just on holidays. This makes it possible to maintain a certain order during meals, develops family traditions, and teaches neatness.

Slide 6

The main purpose of serving is to create the convenience of using the devices. Table setting depends on the time of the meal (breakfast, lunch), on the place of the meal (apartment, cafe) and on the occasion (everyday, birthday, business lunch, wedding, etc.).

Slide 7

There is a certain sequence of actions that helps to quickly and correctly arrange numerous serving items. First, cover the table with a tablecloth, which must be spotlessly clean and ironed. It is desirable that the ends of the tablecloth hang evenly from all sides of the table by about 25-30 cm, and the corners of the tablecloth should cover the legs of the table.

Slide 8

Slide 9

After that, the plates are arranged. It is recommended not only to wash and wipe them well, but even polish them to a shine with a towel or napkin. The snack plate should be located strictly opposite each chair at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table. At a distance of 5-15 cm to the left of the snack plate, place a pie plate. In this case, the center of the plates should be in one line. Depending on the type and occasion of the feast, there may be several plates. In such cases, small tablespoons are placed under the snack plates, and the pie plate (a plate for bread) can be placed so that the edges of the plates farthest from the edge of the table are in line with the small dinner plate.

Slide 10

The forks are placed to the left, and the knives to the right of the serving plate, with the forks lying with their teeth upward and the knives with their blades inward. Place the soup spoon at the top, above the serving plate. If the menu includes a dessert, a spoon is placed at the top for it, and the soup is located next to the first knife.

Slide 11

The first to "go into action" are the devices that lie on the extreme left and right of the plate. As the dishes change, we all "move" to the plate. Serve with glassware. With several items for drinks, the wine glass is shifted to the left of the center of the plate, and next to it to the right, the rest of the items are lined up on the same line. But it is not customary to put more than three items in one row.