» Natural repellents. Recipes and rules for the safe use of essential oils from mosquitoes

Natural repellents. Recipes and rules for the safe use of essential oils from mosquitoes

Good day, comrades! So we survived until the onset of heat)) and therefore I want to present you with another piece of information relevant in the warm season. The idea of ​​the article has been in the air for a long time and after reading Vitaly's material I decided it's time ... So ... natural repellents. And immediatelywarning Keep in mind that “natural” does not automatically mean “safe”. Many people are sensitive to vegetable oils. Some natural insect repellents are actually toxic. Therefore, even a natural repellent must be selected individually and carefully.

We call them "vile"

The long-awaited summer brings with it not only warmth and joy of communication with wildlife, but also a lot of inconvenience due to countless hordes of mosquitoes, midges and other flying bloodsuckers, called in one word "gnus"
And mosquitoes, and midges, and biting midges, and horseflies - everything that we call a vile - when attacked, act in almost the same way. At the moment of puncturing the skin, the insect injects a special substance into the wound, which makes the bite painless and reduces blood clotting. In this case, the injected foreign protein, the so-called "saliva", causes an unpleasant burning and itching sensation at the site of the bite. Then redness and even swelling appears, sometimes quite significant, - an inflammatory reaction occurs.
The bites of these insects are far from harmless. In addition to unpleasant sensations, they can cause increased irritability in a person, loss of appetite, insomnia, and even general nervous fatigue. With numerous bites, especially of some species of midges, the "saliva" of which contains a special hemolytic poison, the temperature may rise and severe intoxication of the body may develop.
The most unpleasant thing is that all this vile is widespread and ubiquitous. You can meet him in the forest, taiga, tundra, near rivers, lakes and swamps, as well as in houses and on the streets of small and even large cities.
And yet people find ways to protect themselves from annoying insects. In addition to mosquito nets, gauze on windows and doors, and other technical devices, there are many tools that can scare off bloodsuckers. I will tell you about some of them.

Chemicals such as diethyltoluamide (DEET) as well as carboxide, benzoylpiperidine and benzimine repellents will not be covered in this article.

Natural repellents will help you survive healthy!

Protection of premises

Hang a few fresh twigs of bird cherry, elderberry, wormwood, tansy, yarrow or sweet clover in front of the entrance to the room. From the inside, it can be fumigated with annual shoots of wild rosemary. Just be careful - wild rosemary is poisonous! After fumigation, it is better to ventilate the room.
To prevent mosquitoes from flying into your house, throw some rosin or camphor into a hot pan - their vapors scare away flying bloodsuckers.

Personal protection

Not a single mosquito will touch your hands and face if you wipe them with a decoction of wormwood roots: pour a handful of chopped roots with 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, insist. Heat twice more, then strain. The product is ready.
You can do and soda solution(1 tsp baking soda in a glass of water) and wipe open areas of the body with it several times a day. As long as this "soda coating" remains on the skin, mosquitoes are reluctant to sit on it.
They do not like mosquitoes and vinegar smell. They will not dare to approach you if you rub the skin with table vinegar diluted with water (1: 1).
To scare off the gnat, you can also prepare such a remedy: pour a little cologne into a tablespoon and add 5-10 drops of clove or anise oil, or valerian tincture, or ammonia-anise drops.Use this liquid to wipe open skin areas. The duration of the protective action is about half an hour.
It is also effective to wipe the skin with a decoction of dry cloves (boil 5 g of cloves for 15 minutes in a glass of water, then pour 10 drops of the decoction into a tablespoon with any cologne) and clove infusion (pour a bag of dry cloves into a liter container, pour boiling water to the top and stand for 6 hours, shaking from time to time).

Basic natural repellents:

  • geranium;
  • Carnation;
  • peppermint;
  • lemongrass;
  • juniper;
  • thuja.

The most powerful remedy for mosquitoes is cloves; you can either evaporate it in an aroma lamp, or drip it onto pieces of cotton wool and spread it around the room. If you are going to spend time at outdoors in the dark, then grab a cream with a few drops of clove oil.

Several recipes

If you can't get clove oil, make it yourself. You will need 20 buds (you can buy them in the spice section of the store, supermarket or in the market), one and a half tablespoons of any vegetable oil. Pour the spice into a glass bottle, fill with oil, close the lid tightly and put in a dark place. It is necessary to insist from a week to 10 days, the resulting infusion can be filtered, or you can leave it with buds.

Mosquitoes cannot stand the smell of geranium - add fragrant oil to cosmetics, rinse your body with water in which a few fragrant droplets are dissolved. If you want bloodsuckers to fly around you in fear, use the following recipe:

mix 5 drops of cloves, geraniums, lavender, add 7 drops of juniper. Cosmetics (body cream, shampoo) are enriched with this cocktail, it can be evaporated in an aroma lamp, added to the base oil and then applied to the body.

Little vampires are well scared away by aromatic water: drop a few drops of one of the above oils on 1 liter, or mix several scents. Fill a spray bottle with the mixture - one commonly used to irrigate flowers - and spray the room periodically. In the summer heat, you can use a cocktail of mint, eucalyptus and cloves, it will not only protect you from the unpleasantly buzzing brethren, but also make the air fresher.


(from lat. attraho - I attract to myself)

natural or synthetic substances that attract animals. Especially sensitive to Attraktantsinsects. There are 3 main groups Atractants: the former attract both individuals of the opposite sex (sexual Atractants.), the second - as food (food Atractants.) and still others - as a substrate for laying eggs. Sexual Atractants... It was found that the substances secreted by females of some insect species at a concentration of 1 · 10 -14 m / l air, attract males of the same species (sometimes other genetically related species); there were cases of attracting butterflies at a distance of 3-9 km. The presence of A. has been established in more than 300 species of insects.

What attracts mosquitoes

use this list so as not to attract them to you, or vice versa, to attract all mosquitoes in the area to a place remote from your camp (by the way, the use of chemistry = chemical attractants is allowed here, since at a distance they cannot harm your health)

Dark clothes
Many types of mosquitoes use their eyes to find their prey from a distance. Dark clothes and leaves are the initial attractants.

Carbon dioxide
You emit more carbon dioxide when you are hot or after exercise. A burning candle or other fire is another powerful source of carbon dioxide.

Lactic acid
You excrete more lactic acid after exercise or after eating certain foods (eg salty foods, foods high in potassium).

Floral and fruit perfumery
In addition to perfume, hair, sunscreen and perfume, mosquitoes are attracted by the delicate floral scent when the leaves and flowers are dried.

Skin temperature
Many species of mosquitoes prefer cool areas, for example, the temperature of your extremities - hands and feet - will be more attractive to them.

Mosquitoes are attracted to sweat because of the chemicals it contains and because it increases the moisture in the air around your body. Even a small amount of water (such as wet plants or muddy puddles) will attract mosquitoes. By the way, lakes and streams, that is, a large accumulation of water, allows mosquitoes to breed.

If you get bitten

Insect bites are a rather unpleasant thing. Rarely will you meet a person who would not comb the bitten area. It is better not to do this, because infection can easily get into the scratched wound.
To reduce itching and swelling, you can use lotions from decoction of mint, St. John's wort and oak bark. Take everything in equal parts, put in a gauze bag, steam in boiling water, cool, squeeze slightly and apply to the bite sites until the itching stops.
There is also such a simple remedy as fresh sage of wormwood, tansy or dandelion. The bite sites should be lubricated with the juice released on the break of a leaf or flower-bearing shoot. You can simply rub the juicy leaves in your palms. Fresh parsley juice and lemon juice also help with bites.
The plantain is also effective - it is necessary to attach its crushed leaves to the bitten place, after washing them.
To reduce itching, you can wipe the skin with an aqueous solution ammonia(an equal amount of water and alcohol is taken), a solution of baking soda or a solution of sodium chloride (1 hour spoon of soda in a glass of water). Kefir, yogurt, table vinegar will also help.Eucalyptus oil will also come to the rescue. Applied locally, it soothes the skin and accelerates the elimination of itching and swelling. Geranium is also suitable for the same purposes - from time to time, lubricate the affected areas with it.

The synergistic effect is manifested in a mixture of 15 drops of tea tree oil and 5 drops of lavender: the oils enhance their soothing properties. The mixture is applied to the bite marks. If the mosquitoes have worked thoroughly, then you can take a bath with 10 drops of this mixture.
A tincture of fresh raspberry leaves (1 part leaves, 5 parts vodka) should always be at hand, especially for those who spend a lot of time in nature.
You can also relieve discomfort after mosquito bites with the Golden Star balm. The essential oils contained in the balm not only reduce itching, but also repel insects.
Be careful. If, despite the measures taken, itching and swelling around the bite site persists for more than a day, an allergy test is necessary - almost 10% of the inhabitants of our country suffer from hypersensitivity to insect bites.


Fighting ticks with scent

Tea tree essential oil will help to discourage ticks from feeding on your blood. Make a solution of 50 ml water and 10 drops of oil, fill it in a spray bottle, or simply pour it into a small bottle. Spray or apply to body and clothing by dripping onto palms and rubbing lightly.

The following mixture is effective against ticks: mix in equal proportions eucalyptus, clove, mint, rosemary oil. The bottle filled with it is an excellent remedy to protect against the attack of ticks. Make sure that the plug is tightly closed, otherwise the container will quickly empty. The application of the mixture is very simple, just dip your fingertip in the liquid and apply it to exposed parts of the body, hair, as well as clothing, paying special attention to its edges.

Deporting cockroaches and moving out moths

Cockroaches are neighbors with whom it is impossible to get along. How to deport intruders who unceremoniously invade your territory? Deprive them of their comfortable living conditions with essential oils.

When cleaning the floor, add a few drops of eucalyptus to the water. Additionally, charge the sprayer with a solution: add 3-5 drops of oil to a liter of water and spray the favorite habitats of insects. A cocktail of fresh aromas of eucalyptus and lemongrass will make life unbearable for the ubiquitous saffron milk caps, and they will escape your home. Add it to the water when wet cleaning, drip it onto cotton wool and lay it out in the corners and along the walls.

Laurel is one of the odors that cockroaches do not like. It is not tolerated by another pest - moth. Arrange a laurel war for the aliens, laying out fragrant plant leaves in the corners and cabinets (if there are no fresh ones, dry ones will do), wash the floor and periodically irrigate the room with laurel water. Add 3 to 5 fragrant droplets per liter of water.

A natural moth repellent is geranium and lavender. A napkin or cotton wool placed in the closet, exuding the smell of flowers, will protect things from damage by insects. Remember to periodically drip oil onto the napkin to renew the protection. You can use aromas, both individually and in a mixture, the proportion is selected individually.

Attention Lipoptena cervi - Deer bloodsucker

Not so long ago, in central Russia, Lipoptena cervi appeared in large numbers = Deer bloodsucker, which previously lived mainly in the taiga and tundra, flies are not afraid of frightening sudden movements and do not leave the object. Moreover, it is not so easy to remove the bloodsucker, since it has a flat body with hard, smooth integuments and legs armed with tenacious claws. Having settled in hair or under clothes, flies start sucking blood, sometimes not immediately, but after a while (30-60 minutes). The sensations that people experience when bitten by L. cervi are different: some consider them painless, others - more sensitive - experience pain, the deer bloodsucker can serve as a carrier of the causative agents of Lyme borreliosis. It seems possible that the deer bloodsucker can participate in the circulation of spirochetes in nature and in the transmission of the causative agent of Lyme disease to animals and humans. In this regard, the question arises of how to protect yourself from the bites of a deer bloodsucker? Since no effective repellents have been found against the deer bloodsucker, it is necessary to remember about protective clothing not only during the period of activity of the main carriers of the causative agent of Lyme disease, but also when gathering in the forest in the fall, when ixodid ticks are no longer active. By protective clothing we mean either special anti-mite overalls with tight-fitting cuffs on the sleeves and trousers, with zippers and a hood sewn to the collar (such clothing is necessary for people professionally connected with the forest), or ordinary clothing, but at the same time the shirt should be tucked into trousers, trousers should be tucked into boots or socks with an elastic band, the collar should be tightly buttoned, a scarf should be tied over the head or a hat should be put on. In addition, after going into the forest, you should carefully examine your clothes and get rid of the bloodsucking flies lurking in them in order to protect yourself from their bites.

The article uses materials from Dmitry Makunin and also zooeco.com and aromamir.info

In the arsenal of stores today you can find a lot of all kinds of devices, devices, liquids, cosmetic products of industrial origin, which are created to help those who want to spend time outdoors and at home without the presence of annoying mosquitoes. All of them, it would seem, are called upon to make the fight against these bloodsuckers merciless and victorious, but, alas, not always safe for our health. Therefore, today, in the vastness of the My-Ecoshop blog, I want to raise such an urgent topic as protection against summer insects without chemicals. After all, there are many natural remedies for mosquitoes. Until then ...

Oh, summer is red! I would love you
If it were not for the heat, yes, dust, mosquitoes, and flies ...
A.S. Pushkin

5 important facts about mosquitoes in questions and answers

- How dangerous are flying insects to humans?

- What mosquitoes bite?

- Where can you most often "stumble" on mosquitoes?

- What attracts mosquitoes to people?

- What blood, according to mosquitoes, is the tastiest?

Redness and swelling of the skin at the site of the bite, unbearable itching - this is not all that we can get as a "reward" from summer bloodsuckers. Mosquitoes, midges, horseflies living in some regions of our country and abroad can be a source of dangerous vector-borne diseases (malaria, viral encephalitis, tularemia, anthrax, etc.). Therefore, you should not be negligent in choosing repellent cosmetics before going on vacation.

If you are still with panic fear run away from huge mosquitoes with long legs (they are called so - centipedes), you can calm down. They are true vegetarians, and they have absolutely nothing to do with your blood. Females of the most common mosquitoes after fertilization pose a threat to living beings (people, animals). That is, they need blood to carry offspring. Each such "lady", being in an interesting position, can bite up to eight times per night. But male mosquitoes are generally innocence itself - they feed on flower nectar and pollen.

These insects prefer moisture, dampness and relative warmth (15-16 degrees Celsius). It is in such places that they equip their nests in order to actively reproduce. Outside the city - this is a forest, swampy areas, country closet, and in urban environments - household waste containers, basements in which ooze The groundwater or there is a drainage leak. But at an air temperature above 28 degrees, bloodsuckers can no longer attack - during the flight, their body quickly loses moisture, which can lead to death.

When searching for food, insects are guided by carbon dioxide that is breathed out by living beings. The mosquito's sense of smell is very much to the liking of the smell of human sweat, namely lactic acid, so they can attack garden workers and athletes even in flocks. It is also believed that bloodsuckers are attracted to a dark color (which is why wearing light clothes can become one of the distracting maneuvers). Females of these insects hungry for blood can travel over 50 km without stopping in search of a suitable prey.

Scientists have already paid a lot of attention to studying the habits and habits of summer bloodsuckers. It turned out that children are of particular interest to them (babies have thin skin, fresh blood, fragrant, appetizing), as well as people with blood groups I and II.

What chemicals are there for mosquito control?

Today the market offers a huge selection of various devices and cosmetic products against blood-sucking reptiles. All these funds, according to the principle of the provided protective effect, can be divided into two groups:

It is predominantly chemical substances aimed directly at the destruction of insects at a distance. This includes the well-known plates and fluids for electrofumigators, smoking spirals. Such things are impregnated with powerful insecticides (poisons), which, when exposed to heat, begin to actively evaporate into the surrounding air, exerting their toxic effect on insects and, which often happens, on the person himself.

Common side effects of using fumigants include headaches, coughs, dry mouth, and pinching of the nose and eyes. According to medical statistics, about 12% of people suffer from insecticide allergies, occurring in some form of severity. In addition, it is important to remember that all living things, even blood-sucking insects, are an important part of the ecological chain. Their destruction can lead to the extinction of some species of birds, for which mosquitoes serve as food.

Repellents. Such substances can be called more "humane", because they are not aimed at destroying mosquitoes, but only at scaring them away or "depriving" them of their sense of smell. They are produced in the most different types(liquids, sprays, lotions, pencils, aerosols, impregnated wipes) intended for application to clothing or directly to the skin. The most common chemical repellent at the moment is DEET (dietitoluamide).

Phthalate was originally developed for the needs of the US Army in the middle of the last century - American soldiers often had to conduct military operations in countries where mosquitoes and other, much more dangerous blood-sucking insects, lived in abundance. This substance, of course, is less toxic than insecticides, but it is still toxic. Even with strict adherence to the instructions for the purchased drug, troubles such as itching, rash, blisters, local swelling, accompanied by a painful syndrome, may occur.

And if the safe concentration of DEET is selected incorrectly (here it is worth noting that the official percentage control of the presence of the active substance in the repellents, but remains at the discretion of the manufacturer), this can have a detrimental effect on nervous system mammals (us and our smaller brothers), the activity of their brain cells. That is why negative behavioral changes such as anxiety, irritability, panic attacks and aggression can act as symptoms of diethyltoluamide poisoning.

In recent years, Japan, England, USA, Australia have been paying close attention to the danger of DEET-based repellents. Products containing this phthalate are sold with a clearly readable label on the packaging stating that this drug is toxic and should only be applied to clothing. And for children, it is categorically contraindicated even in such a "contactless" form. We still firmly believe: "What is sold in stores cannot be dangerous."

What are some effective natural repellents?

Since ancient times, humanity has noticed that mosquitoes and midges are very sensitive to certain odors. This simplest experience of life observations gradually replenished the collection of knowledge of our ancestors. And today we are armed with a whole list of substances of plant origin that have repellent properties. Moreover, all products protect against mosquitoes in different ways. Some irritate the olfactory organs of insects so that they do not become at all before the attack. Others, applied to the skin, make us invisible, unpleasant or simply inedible for bloodsuckers.

- Vegetable oils neem and (together provide more than 95% guarantee of mosquito protection), as well as soybean oil. Any of these natural substances can be used as a base to create a natural repellent at home.

- Essential oils for mosquitoes:(ideal for babies), lavender, cloves, geranium, wormwood, vanilla, cinnamon, peppermint, cedar, eucalyptus. Many of them are multifunctional and at the same time scare off midges, flies, ticks, gadflies.

- Cosmetic products. In our catalog you will also find already (balms, sprays, ointments, hydrolates, etc.), in which base and essential oils are present in optimal concentration and the most effective proven formulations.

- Other natural remedies. To scare off summer bloodsuckers, you can choose from the range of My-Ecoshop, also known for its repellent qualities, or buy, the smoke from the burning of which is good at scaring away insects and makes them hurry out of the room.

How to use summer insect repellent essential oils?

It is not difficult to guess how to use it in the form of creams, ointments, sprays. Just follow the instructions on the package. But not everyone knows what to do with ethers as such. And now we will try to fill this gap in knowledge qualitatively. When choosing one or another oil known for its properties to scare off annoying "vampires", you can use it as follows:

Scented candle. An excellent option, how to escape mosquitoes in an apartment or in the country, at the same time bringing romantic notes into the surrounding atmosphere. Take a candle (the most common one with a stable cylindrical shape). Pour up literally 3-5 drops of ether and light it in the desired room. If you have certain skills, inventory and desire, you can make a scented candle with your own hands.

Aromatic spray. This recipe has proven its effectiveness many times. Mix 100 ml of water, 25 ml of vodka and 10 drops of essential oil from mosquitoes. Pour the composition into a container with a spray bottle (you can easily buy it at a hardware store or where they sell houseplants and accessories). The spray can be used to spray rooms in the house or to spray on clothes before going out into the woods or on the river.

Aromatic lamp. If you periodically conduct home aromatherapy sessions, you probably have such an accessory in your arsenal. The aroma lamp will become a useful device in the fight against blood-sucking insects. To do this, drip 5-7 drops of ether into a bowl, add hot water and light a candle.

Wet wipes.
Take 2-3 drops of essential oil, the smell of which is pleasant to you, mix with water and soak a textile napkin or a small towel with this composition. Hang or lay a damp scented cloth in the room where you sleep and the hungry mosquitoes are guaranteed to fly around you tonight.

Cosmetic product. If you are using a natural cream or body lotion in the summer, "perfect" the composition for your own purposes and add 2-3 drops of the selected essential oil mixture to it before applying. The resulting cosmetic product will acquire the qualities of a good repellent.

Water solution. If tomorrow you have a picnic with kebabs, fishing or another outing in nature, prepare such a composition the day before, which effectively repels mosquitoes and other bloodsuckers. Add 50-60 drops of one ether or a mixture of two oils to a jar or bottle of water. Place an open vessel where you plan to rest, for example. Gradually evaporating oils will help you forget about insect attacks for a long time.

Oil mixture. This natural repellent recipe is suitable for use on exposed skin areas, incl. sensitive. Take 1 part essential oil and mix with 10 or 20 parts vegetable oil (olive or sunflower). Shake well and transfer to a dark container for storage.

Anti-mosquito bracelet. Surely, you have met such accessories in stores for children. The bracelets look nice, but they are not cheap. And if you believe the numerous reviews of mothers, these things do not really help in street conditions. And try to create your own stylish, exclusive decoration on the arm or leg of a child and apply a few drops of ether to it. You can weave a bauble from a floss, take a wooden rosary, or use a simple leather ribbon with cute pendants strung on it. If the repellent bracelet is made for babies, the accessory should not contain small elements that the baby can swallow.

Precautions for using natural repellents

1. Remember that any essential oil, even if it has a whole list most useful properties Is a very concentrated product. Applying it to the skin undiluted with vegetable oils or cream can cause burns and severe skin allergies.

2. Pregnant and lactating women should be very careful about the use of not only industrial, but also natural mosquito repellents. Before using essential oil repellents, seek the advice of your healthcare professional and good specialist on aromatherapy.

3. Before treating the skin with a new, unfamiliar composition for you, check for individual intolerance to one or another component of the product. To do this, smear a small area of ​​skin where it is especially sensitive, for example, on the elbow or wrist and wait 24 hours. People who are allergic to pollen are at particular risk.

4. If you are planning to relax in nature, you will not only have to fight against mosquitoes and midges, but also means to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays. Be aware that some essential oils reduce the effectiveness of sunscreens. Therefore, give preference to cosmetics with the maximum SPF factor. First, the skin is treated with a sunburn cream, and only after 5-10 minutes a repellent is applied.

5. Responsibly treat the storage of aromatic blood-sucking insect repellents that you purchased or prepared with your own hands. Especially if there are small children in the house. For esters, it is best to use a dark glass container with tight-fitting lids. Do not be lazy to sign each container. Store natural repellents in a cool, dark place.

You shouldn't skimp on the purchase of essential oils. After all, instead of them, careless manufacturers can "slip" anything, even the same chemistry. Give preference to quality products from trusted companies.

Summer is fruitful not only for berries and mushrooms, but also for blood-sucking insects. Mosquitoes are considered especially unpleasant among them, since midges usually do not fly at night, but these saboteurs love to attack sleeping people. In this case, there is no question of any rest: either the person is constantly biting, or he is combing the marks left over from the previous battle, or in nervous anticipation he is waiting for bites under the incessant "bzz-bzz-bzz".

Mosquito repellents in such a situation are simply salvation, but their choice should be approached wisely. There are a great many such drugs, in addition, about 50 new mosquito repellents are registered annually.


Mosquito repellent can be:

For individual protection, aimed at protecting a specific person from the bloodsuckers;

Collective protection, designed to protect space.

According to the principle of action, a mosquito repellent can be:

Insecticide (fumigators) - killing;

Repellent - deterrent.

In this article, we will tell you in detail about repellents - deterrent substances. A person after using such a remedy seems "inedible" to mosquitoes. These drugs are produced in different form moreover, they can be very different in composition. Depending on the components they contain, mosquito repellents are divided into natural (based on essential oils) and chemical.

Repellents based on natural substances

Insect repellents based on natural ingredients have appeared on the basis of hundreds folk recipes from flying bloodsuckers. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that strongly odorous substances scare away this harmful living creature. For example, vanilla is used to get rid of midges. What scents do mosquitoes dislike? As it turned out, they absolutely cannot stand the smell of tomato leaves, valerian, carnation flowers, basil greens, essential oils of anise, cedar and eucalyptus. A novelty also appeared on sale - candles and spirals with citronella oil (this is an herb that grows only in Ceylon), which, when burned / heated, scare away bloodsuckers.

It remains to understand how effective such funds are. According to experts, they show rather weak results: such repellents do not work for long, they protect against mosquitoes rather weakly and do not provide 100% protection.

In addition, they cannot be called completely safe: essential oils at high concentrations cause migraines, itching, rashes, coughs, sore throats, and can also be allergens.

Chemical repellents

Chemical mosquito repellents contain certain ingredients:

  1. Diethyltoluamide, or DEET. This substance was developed back in 1946 by American scientists, and since then it has been used in many repellents. There was a lot of controversy about how the substance works, but the truth turned out to be commonplace: mosquitoes simply do not like the smell. Moreover, scientists have shown that DEET has less and less effect on bloodsuckers and they become immune to it.
  2. Carboxite and oxamate are substances with a similar effect.
  3. Isopropanol is found in all mosquito repellents.
  4. Various perfumery fragrances and binders.

The effectiveness of these funds is quite good, but they cannot be called safe.

Risk level depending on the concentration of active substances

It all depends on the concentration of the active substance:

40% - the maximum permissible value on the verge of risk to human health;

25-30% - can be used by healthy adults without harm to the body, but the protection will be weaker, and its effect will last no more than 2-3 hours;

10-15% - low concentration and low degree of protection, suitable for people with weaker health and adolescents.

Important: on the label of any product there is information about the age at which it can be used and whether it is suitable for pregnant women.

Forms of issue

Mosquito repellents come in a variety of forms. Here are the most popular options:

Repellents: customer reviews

On close examination different opinions about the use of this product, we can conclude that it helps protect against insects quite well. Only individual preferences differ: some choose aerosols, others choose creams with DEET, and some choose exclusively products based on natural ingredients. The question of the safety of repellents remains open for most buyers, but more conscientious citizens follow all the requirements of the instructions and therefore minimize health risks.

The reactions of children to insect bites (mosquitoes, flies,) or ticks can be different - more often mild, but there are children who tolerate bites very hard.

Using repellents - effective method protect the child from insect bites. At the same time, it is very important to apply these funds in accordance with the instructions.

Types of repellents

Insect repellents come in a variety of forms: aerosols, sprays, lotions, creams and pencils. They can include both synthetic substances and natural ingredients.

Repellents protect against the bites of most insects (mosquitoes, fleas, flies) and ticks, but, unfortunately, do not protect against stinging insects (bees, hornets, wasps).

Repellent name


Duration of protection

Special precautions

Synthetic repellents based on DEET (diethyltoluamide)

It is believed to be the best insect repellent.

From 2 to 5 hours, depending on the concentration of DEET in the product.

Read the instructions carefully before use in children.


In April 2005, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended other repellents that may protect in the same way as DEET: picaridin repellents and lemon eucalyptus oil repellents (synonyms: p-menthane-3,8-diol , para-menthane-3,8-diol, PMD, menthoglycol) or 2% soybean oil. Currently, these funds have a duration of action comparable to 10% DEET.

3 to 8 hours, depending on concentration

Although these products are considered safe when used as directed, there is no long-term data available on this.

In addition, studies should be conducted to show how well these substances repel ticks.

Allergic reactions are rare but can occur with essential oil repellents.

Repellents based on essential oils isolated from plants such as citronella, cedar, eucalyptus, soy

Usually less than 2 hours

Permethrin repellents

Ticks will die on contact with these repellents.

When applied to clothing, the repellent continues to work even after several washes.

Apply only to clothing, avoid skin contact. Can handle sleeping bags, tents, etc.

Are not effective repellents:

  • Bracelets impregnated with synthetic repellents;
  • Taking garlic or vitamin B1;
  • Ultrasonic devices that are supposed to repel insects;
  • The presence of a bird or bat in the house;
  • Insect killing machines with UV lamp (ultraviolet insect killers that actually attract insects to the yard).


DEET is a synthetic substance that is used in insect repellents. The quantitative content of DEET in repellents can reach 30%. The results of the studies have shown that products with a higher DEET content have a longer protection duration. For example, 10% DEET protects against insects for 2 hours, with 24% DEET for 5 hours, but repellents with more than 30% DEET do not provide longer lasting protection.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that repellents intended for children should not contain more than 30% DEET. It is not recommended to use repellents for children under 2 months of age. Before use, be sure to read the instructions.

Tips for the safe use of repellents

  • Read the instructions carefully, follow the directions and precautions.
  • Do not use repellents under clothing, only apply to exposed skin. Note: Products containing permethrin must not be applied to the skin.
  • Do not spray repellent aerosols in confined spaces to avoid inhalation.
  • Apply the specified amount of repellent to your baby's clothing and exposed skin. Using more repellent will not make it more effective. Avoid reapplication.
  • Do not allow younger children to apply repellents on their own, and supervise older children using these products.
  • At the end of the period of action of the repellent, it is necessary to thoroughly wash it off (using soap) from the skin, and wash clothes.
  • Do not use repellents on babies under 2 months of age.
  • Do not spray insect repellent directly on the child's face. Apply to your hand first and then to the baby's face. Avoid getting the product inside and on mucous membranes.
  • Do not apply repellents to wounds or sore skin.
  • Do not use products that combine DEET with sunscreen. DEET reduces the sun protection factor (SPF). The sunscreen will need to be applied more frequently, which will cause DEET to build up (excess) on the skin.

Repellent reactions

If your child has an allergic reaction to repellents, such as a rash, wash the product off the child's skin with soap and water. When contacting a doctor, take the repellent with you.

Other ways to protect your baby from insect bites

You cannot prevent all insect bites, but you can reduce their number by following these guidelines:

  • Ask your child to avoid places that attract flying insects, such as trash cans, stagnant puddles, and flower beds.
  • Clothes for the child - long trousers, a light shirt with long sleeves, socks; closed shoes; a wide-brimmed hat will help protect your face from insects.
  • Use a mosquito net on strollers.
  • Remember that clothing in bright colors attracts insects.
  • Do not use scented soaps, perfumes, or hairsprays - they can attract insects.
  • Check the integrity of mosquito nets on doors and windows.
  • If you live in an area with ticks and your child is playing outside, check your child for ticks at the end of the day.
  • Remember that the most effective tick repellent is permethrin, but when applying it to your baby's clothes, avoid skin contact.

Every summer, for which a thousand years, we turn from the kings of nature into a banal food. We, the creators of the hydrogen bomb, are eating some translucent small fry! Isn't this a blow to self-esteem?

Therefore, humanity is fighting a desperate, bloody battle with mosquitoes, but to this day, alas, to no avail. We can only hope that attempts to invent the latest miracle cure will not accidentally enlarge these critters to the size of a dog.

We are very lucky this year. June in most regions turned out to be, so to speak, little snow, and residents of most of the country have not yet wondered which repellents to choose to protect themselves from mosquitoes. As they say, no summer - no questions.

But, what to do if heat insidiously and without warning attacked your home? With velvet nights, fragrant aromas of garden herbs, and gentle melodic z-z-z-ringing of the ubiquitous bloodsuckers.

What if the call of nature is stronger than the sense of self-preservation, and you understand that a trip to the forest (to the river, to the dacha, to fishing) is inevitable?

It's time to think about choosing a method of protection.


Perhaps the most popular remedy today.

There are two types: water-based and oil-based. Oily is less washed off the skin, but this can be a tangible benefit in rainy weather: the spray will provide longer protection. But the water spray will allow the skin to breathe.

Chemical sprays are not indicated for small children and pregnant women, oil- consist of natural ingredients, but you have to look, pharmacies do not buy them too often because of the rather high price.

Sprays can be applied directly to the skin, but it is better to spray on clothes or a tent.

Most importantly, when choosing a spray, be sure to read the "Composition" and "Contraindications" sections.

And never never Do not use adult mosquito spray for small children, not even a small amount. Such experiments are very dangerous, and may well end in hospitalization.

The sprays are favored by an affordable price and a wide selection. The disadvantages include a fairly fast consumption and sometimes not a very pleasant smell.

Sprays are considered the leader of this segment. Off extreme


Creams differ from sprays with a longer exposure time and a more precise application site. What active ingredients (those repellents) to look for in the cream: diethyltoluamide (DEET), oxamate, carboxyde, benzoilliperidine, remebide.

The most common is diethyltoluamide. DEET is considered the most effective drug. In addition, the concentration of the active substance is of no small importance.

Write down or memorize:

  • Ø 10-15% - one and a half hours of protection;
  • Ø 25-35% - four to five hours, as a bonus, ticks will be untied from you;
  • Ø 50% - about six hours of protection, but keep in mind this is the maximum concentration allowed.

Baby cream must contain a component IR3535(ethyl butyl acetylaminopropionate) ... It also copes with mosquitoes, but is several times less toxic than diethyltoluamide.

Repellent creams are applied to the skin, but not rubbed into it. If you are a fan of sunbathing in areas with a large concentration of mosquitoes, remember this simple rule: the sun cream is applied first. And only after a quarter of an hour - a repellent.

Essential oils

Oils that have repellent properties include: citronella, lavender, thyme, rosemary, clove, litzea, geranium, basil, eucalyptus.

The most effective is oil citronella, we listed the rest of the oils in order, depending on the strength of the effect on small itchy bloodsuckers.

It is better to apply oil, like perfume, drop by drop - on the wrists, elbows, under the knees: in places where the veins pass close to the skin.

People prone to allergic reactions, as well as suffering from respiratory diseases, should use the oil with caution, having previously obtained the advice of their attending physician.

With the help of essential oil, we can at the same time get rid of harmful indoor fumigators in the nursery by replacing them. aroma lamp... Heated lavender oil will not only scare away mosquitoes, but will also have a mild calming effect on the little fidget.

Be careful when buying oil. Too low a price may indicate that the oil is diluted. Whereas for the battle with mosquitoes, it is advisable for us to use only pure oil, without impurities.

Protective bracelets

A fun, smart, comfortable accessory. It is usually made from polymers, plastic, silicone and fabric.

By the type of construction, bracelets are divided into three types: with special impregnation, replaceable cartridges, or a capsule mounted inside.

Bracelets are often purchased to protect young children, as manufacturers claim to be absolutely safe. Some bracelets can even be worn by newborns. And it is better on the ankle, since babies actively nibble and lick their wrists.

As a natural impregnation, citronella, lavender, geranium and mint oils are most often used.

The most popular are Bugstop, Gardex and Bugslock.

To call bracelets a powerful means of protection would be an equally powerful exaggeration. Rather, it is an additional self-soothing device. Suitable for walking in a dry forest / park during the day and in combination with other repellents: sprays and creams.

Pros: reusable. Just drop a drop of essential oil, the same lavender or cloves on it, and after a walk, always put it in an airtight bag - this way the bracelet will last much longer.

Ultrasonic scarers

The principle of operation is the emission of ultrasonic waves in a certain frequency range.

Most often, two types are sold: a stationary electric one for the home, and a battery-powered keychain for lovers of forests, fields and rivers.

There are various power: with a radius of destruction from one to one hundred (!) Meters. Particularly gifted craftsmen can even assemble a repeller on their own, the schemes are freely available.

The delicacy of the moment, which manufacturers do not like to talk about, is that the purchased device will have to "fluctuate" on one frequency specifically with your mosquitoes. And if he is false, the insects will take revenge.

For reference: more than three hundred species of bloodsucking live on the territory of Russia. Therefore, an effective device in one region will be completely useless in another area. Whether the game is worth the candle is up to you, of course.


Quite a popular tool among tourists and owners of private yards. When the coil is ignited, smoke is released, which contains insecticides. The smoke not only kills but also repels insects. It is not recommended to use it indoors, as you understand.

As a disadvantage, you can specify the validity period. Mosquitoes do not bite while the spiral is on. The magic ends with the spiral - so wait for the attack of mosquitoes, and get ready to counterattack with sprays, creams and aerosols. Well, or retreat in disgrace under the shelter of mosquito nets.

Home remedies

Vanilla powder. Mix with body milk or cream. Copes well with mosquitoes, but not very long. Good for a short walk.

Geranium. Natural repellent, repels insects. An armpit pot of geraniums could theoretically be your salvation. And at the same time, and a branded "trick" by which you will be recognized from afar.

Applause. Good old hand claps. Safe, environmentally friendly, develops agility and reaction speed. And most importantly - always with you. With the right amount of exercise, you will leave no chance for mosquitoes.

Summing up

When choosing anti-mosquito products, it is necessary to take into account: personal preferences, health status, age and humidity level in the place of our intended rest.

Do not buy repellents on the go, you should have enough time to read the instructions and carefully check the composition of the preparations.

Never buy adult repellents for children.

Choose several types of insect repellent: cream, essential oil, spray, spiral.

Summer is a hot battle with mosquitoes, and you and I have something to fight for. Therefore, consider buying a supply of repellents an inevitable military expense.

Successful battle, bright victories!